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Easter Services in Windsor

As usual, the royal family reunited in Windsor to attend Easter Services. The ceremony took place at St George's Chapel, in Windsor Castle, where Prince Harry and Meghan Markle will marry in a month. Apparently Prince William and Kate Middleton arrived late due to traffic problems. Kate wore a Katherine Hooker coat.

Prince Philip failed the event because his hip was bothering again. Prince Charles and Camilla usually go to Scotland this time of the year. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle weren't there as well. Maybe taking days off before the big day...


Como de costume, a família real reuniu-se em Windsor para participar dos Serviços da Páscoa. A cerimónia aconteceu na Capela de São Jorge, no Castelo de Windsor, onde o príncipe Harry e Meghan Markle se vão casar daqui a um mês. Aparentemente, o príncipe William e Kate Middleton chegaram atrasados devido a problemas de trânsito. Kate usou um casaco de Katherine Hooker.

O príncipe Philip falhou o evento porque os problemas de anca voltaram a importuná-lo. O príncipe Carlos e Camilla costumam ir para a Escócia nesta época do ano. O príncipe Harry e Meghan Markle também não estiveram lá. Talvez tenham tirado uns dias de folga antes do grande dia ...

Prince William and Kate Middleton

Peter Phillips and Autumn Phillips

Princess Eugenie and James Brooksbank

Zara Tindall

Countess Sophie with Lady Louise and Princess Beatrice

The whole family waiting on the Queen's arrival

Princess Anne and Vice Admiral Sir Timothy Lawrence

Queen Elizabeth II

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